Friday, December 10, 2010

She had one little promise she was gonna keep.

We're back in my noggin today, except my imagination went to a more fun, child-like place this time around.

I'm obsessed with music. If you were meeting me for the first time, this is something you'd discover within the first five minutes, at most. I'll go into detail another time about why this is; suffice it to say, it is my deepest passion and I love it. As I'm sure is the case for most people, certain songs really get my imaginative juices flowing. Just now, at my office, Tom Petty's "American Girl" popped on the radio. Although I have a vendetta against Petty (Muse ACL 2006! Never forget!!!), I will always love this song. This is one of those songs that makes me want to be the person the musician is singing about. Even though the protagonist is kind of static and passive in the second verse, there's something in the first verse that implies pulling the wool from your eyes, gaining self-empowerment, and kicking some ass. It's a song that makes me envision myself strutting down a busy sidewalk somewhere, head held high, ready for anything. The Black Keys do this for me too, in a different way - with them, it's much more about swagger for the benefit of others. With "American Girl," it's about confidence for yourself.

Even though this is a pretty immature interpretation of what I just said (it focuses 100% on Elliot's looks and implies that "girly" things hold you back from speaking your mind - not good), I can't help but want to be Elliot in this Scrubs clip; I think it's because I see it as a metaphorical transformation. The outward change is reflecting inner courage she's digging deep to claim. (Did I mention I was a Radio/TV/Film Media Studies major in college?)

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